N. Gavrilis & Co. is a synonymous word to sound and concrete insurance solutions. As our clients ventures on multi million worth business, we take insurance & reinsurance very seriously. We solely work with first class insurers and reinsurers and we maintain strong connection with reinsurers not only in Europe but also in the Middle East. Through our connections with recognized and reputable brokers we enjoy immediate access to the London Reinsurance market.

Professionalism is an attribute we apply irrespective the size of the business/client.
We are No.1 Greek Independent Insurance brokers in Engineering.
We provide our services and protect our clients’ interests in more than 15 countries around the world.
We have placed Insurance cover for more than 300 projects from small sized to Motorways and Power Plants.
Reasons for our success : 1. Serve our clients 2. Protect our clients 3. Support our clients